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    Aminat Oke

    2 hours, 50 minutes ago

    Many things in nature go through a natural process of letting go: the leaves fall from trees, a snake will shed its skin, children lose their teeth. You may be in the process of releasing things as well today. Before you let these items, feelings, or thoughts go, I ask you to appreciate what they have given to you and how they have shaped your life. It may be the natural time for you to leave this behind, yet I encourage you to do so with love. Just as gently as leaves fall from their branches and slowly drift down to the ground, release with gentleness and ease.”

    Today Encourages Patience:
    A seed is not planted and its fruits are harvested on the same day. Remember that things come in time. Replenish yourself by finding balance in your day. Be grateful for what has come and gone from your life as they were gifts and lessons. Although you might not understand how what you perceive as negative things can be called a gift, trust that in time the gift and lesson will be revealed.

    Action Steps:
    Send gratitude to the trees as they shed their leaves, thanking them for the shade and fruit they provided. Thank the withering vines for the grapes that graced your summer table. Thank the people who have left your life for the lessons they brought to you.

    Affirmation Of The Day:
    I calmly release what is not mine to keep; this plants the seed for blessings I will reap.

    Light💡& Blessings 🙌 🙏

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