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    Aminat Oke

    4 hours, 22 minutes ago

    Most of us grew up like this; Mixed together with our cousins, but now as adults, we no longer talk! Everyone now has levels, rich ones avoid calls from the poor and the poor tend to distance themselves to save their pride.

    Family gatherings are just events to track who’s doing better in life and who’s failing within families. It’s no longer a matter of strengthening unity.
    We buried the people that used to keep the families together .

    Family isn’t what it used to be. There was a time when you could go to your grandma’s house to eat ,
    hang out with the family and have a good time. Now everybody chooses who they want to deal with.

    Aunts and uncles choose which kids to be proud of. Brothers and sisters treat friends more like family. cousins talk about each other.

    Grandparents spend time with certain grandkids.
    Now We only meet and behave like a family when there’s a funeral….
    Ooh I almost forgot we also work so hard so that just incase we call our relatives they won’t refuse to pick up the phone thinking that we want to beg from them…
    Some relatives ask you why you don’t call or talk to them but they also forget to ask themselves if their own children call or talk to your parents as well.


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